1. Share God’s love with our kids and youth!
    Sunday School Teacher | Sundays at 10:30 a.m. | once per month
    Gethsemane’s Children and Youth Ministry is in need of loving Sunday morning teachers at 10 a.m. If you would like to teach children or youth once a month at Gethsemane, please contact Juana Tavico (Children’s Coordinator) or Julie Ellerbrock (Campus Director).
  2. Mercy Closet Volunteers Needed!
    We need volunteers to be present in our Mercy Closet a few hours a day, Monday-Thursday to welcome and assist our community friends that come in for clothing. Often, they need a sweet smile more than the clothing. Please contact Amy Kelley or Noelia Fadic   You may also call the Outreach Team at 713-357-4464 for more information.
  3. Chancel Choir needs your voice! There is no audition necessary. Prior experience with music is helpful but not required. As long as you have a desire to sing and serve, all are welcome! For more information, please contact Dr. Hsiao-Lan Wang, our Gethsemane Choir Director.
  4. Wednesday Night Fellowship
    Help serve dinner to the members and community of Gethsemane on Wednesday nights.  For more information, contact Amy Kelley.
  5. CCSC Garden:
    Serve in the CCSC Garden, harvesting and helping it grow for clients to have fresh food year round. For more information, contact Pat Weatherspoon-Hall.
  6. Justice for All Immigrants:
    Volunteer to help welcome and greet once a month at our JFAI Clinic. For more information contact Marci Pampe.